We stroll past historic buildings through the narrow streets of Hötting. We visit the “Schneeburgschlössl” with its delightful Rococo chapel and learn about the mills and foundries that were located here. Finally, we enjoy the wonderful view of Innsbruck...
Everyone knows “Friedl with the empty pocket”, who despite his nickname became one of the richest princes. However, his son “Sigmund the Coin-rich” was always short of cash. Nonetheless, it was said that he had approximately forty – or...
In this guided tour of kings, saints, and goddesses, enlightening backgrounds and sparkling stories illuminate golden shingles, golden apples, and other artworks. A glimpse into the splendorous bay window of the Golden Roof is, of course, included before heading to...
Strong women have left their mark in Innsbruck! During this tour, we encounter 9 different personalities, such as the powerhouse Maria Theresa, the determined Lisl, architect diva Zaha Hadid, or the “wild” Hilde. Did you know that Maria Winterle was...
Epidemic history in Innsbruck: What connects the address Weihnhardtstraße 4 with the namesake Dr. Weinhart and the Dreiheiligenkirche? As part of our tour, we will explore how the city dealt with a “pestilence” at the beginning of the 17th century....
Get to know our beautiful Innsbruck Old Town from a very special perspective – “The Innkeeper Culture since the 16th century.” Quirky regulations from the sovereign, such as glasses needing to be washed at least once a week, anecdotes from resourceful...
Führung durch das ehemalige Adambräu, heute "aut" und die laufenden Ausstellungen Der 1993 auf Initiative engagierter Architekten gegründete, unabhängige Verein hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die Auseinandersetzung mit den […]
Führung durch den Dom in Innsbruck Im September feierte der Dom zu St. Jakob in Innsbruck die 300 Jahrfeier seiner Weihe. Rechtzeitig zu diesem Anlass erfolgte die Innenrenovierung des Doms […]